P.S. Tegan Quin, you are amazing
“The best part of having a relationship is getting to call the person or lay down next to them and tell them all the crazy things that happened to you all day long. And in the end that’s what it’s about, kids. It’s not about the sex, it’s not about the money that they give you or whatever. It’s not about how good-looking they are, it’s about, can they listen to you talk for hours and hours and hours about stupid shit that doesn’t matter. And if they can, then you’re meant to be together forever. Even if that means you have to call them 100 times, that’s okay.”
— | Tegan Quin |
WOW... like it
These are spectacular photography :O
I am so envious :O
oh soph, you`re so great.
Beautiful pictures, beautiful words.
I love Tegan Quin. Tegan & Sara=magicformyears.
these photos are amazingly beautiful.
and the quote is just wow.
so amazing.
btw, i love virgin suicides.
you have such a beautifully clean aesthetic, it's the highlight of my day looking at your blog.
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